
As part of the MiMHC Educational Series, we are offering training on "Nano/MicroCT image analysis skill building using Dragonfly software".

Training is for all skill levels! Bring your image files to the training, get real-time guidance.

We also recommend visiting the Dragonfly software website Help section ( to get additional help on using Dragonfly. 

Each training session is split up into two modules. The first hour will cover basic features of using Dragonfly and image analysis. The second hour will go over more advanced features.

Topics for basic feature module:

Topics for advanced feature module:

You must register in advance to reserve a spot to attend the training session. Training sessions are available on the following dates (please signup for the module appropriate for your interest, you can signup for both modules on a single day) :

Date Time Location

April 24 1-3 PM NCRC; Bldg 20, Room 2814

May 7 1:30-3:30 PM BSRB; Room 4515

May 22 1-3 PM NCRC; Bldg 20, Room 2814

June 11 10 AM - 12 PM BSRB; Room 2515

June 26 1-3 PM NCRC; Bldg 20, Room 2814

July 9 10 AM - 12 PM BSRB; Room 2515

July 24 1-3 PM NCRC; Bldg 20, Room 2814

August 13 1:30-3:30 PM BSRB; Room 4515

August 28 1-3 PM NCRC; Bldg 20, Room 2814   - CANCELLED

September 10 10:30 AM-12:30 PM BSRB; Room 5008

September 25 1-3 PM NCRC; Bldg 20 Room 1814

October 7 10 AM-12 PM BSRB Room 4008

October 23 1-3 PM NCRC Bldg 20 Room 1814

November 4 10 AM-12 PM BSRB Room 4008

November 20 1-3 PM NCRC Bldg 20 Room 1814

December 11 1-3 PM NCRC Bldg 20 Room 1814

Recordings from the training sessions are available here.